
Data format: Shapefile

File or table name: MozambiqueSAE

Coordinate system: Geographic

Theme keywords: Poverty Mapping, Headcount Index, Atkinson Index, Generalized Entropy Index

Abstract: This file contain poverty, inequality, and related data for subnational administrative units of Mozambique

FGDC and ESRI Metadata:

Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.

Identification Information:

Citation information:
Originators: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Mozambique Ministry of Planning and Finance and the National Statistics Institute

*File or table name: MozambiqueSAE

Publication date: 2005
*Geospatial data presentation form: vector digital data

Other citation details:
Simler, K and V Nhate. (2005). Poverty, Inequality, and Geographic Targeting: Evidence from Small-Area Estimates in Mozambique. Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper No. 192. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 43.

*Online linkage: \\Gis-pc121\Poverty\MOZ\MozambiqueSAE.shp

This file contain poverty, inequality, and related data for subnational administrative units of Mozambique

Mozambique 1997 Poverty Mapping data are directed toward government, academic, and research institutions (or individuals associated with these institutions) to be used for informing and improving government policy or for educational purposes.

*Language of dataset: en

Time period of content:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: REQUIRED: The year (and optionally month, or month and day) for which the data set corresponds to the ground.

Currentness reference:
REQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined.

Progress: REQUIRED: The state of the data set.
Maintenance and update frequency: REQUIRED: The frequency with which changes and additions are made to the data set after the initial data set is completed.

Spatial domain:
Bounding coordinates:
*West bounding coordinate: 30.217319
*East bounding coordinate: 40.844471
*North bounding coordinate: -10.471884
*South bounding coordinate: -26.868681

Local bounding coordinates:
*Left bounding coordinate: 30.217319
*Right bounding coordinate: 40.844471
*Top bounding coordinate: -10.471884
*Bottom bounding coordinate: -26.868681

Theme keywords: Poverty Mapping, Headcount Index, Atkinson Index, Generalized Entropy Index
Theme keyword thesaurus: Poverty

Place keywords: Mozambique

Access constraints: IFPRI requests that users of the data acknowledge the source of the Mozambique 1997 Poverty Mapping data in all publications, conference papers, and manuscripts. The study was conducted by IFPRI in collaboration with the Mozambique Ministry of Planning and Finance and the National Statistics Institute. The funding for the study was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation. Disclaimer: The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) encourages the use of the Mozambique 1997 Poverty Mapping data. The authorized use of these data is limited to government, academic, and research institutions (or individuals associated with these institutions) to be used for informing and improving government policy or for educational purposes. The data are not authorized to be used for commercial purposes. The data are provided 'as is' and in no event shall IFPRI be liable for any damages resulting from use of the data. While great effort was taken to obtain high quality data, the accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way.
Use constraints:
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) requests data users acknowledge the source of the Mozambique 1997 Poverty Mapping data in all publications, conference papers, and manuscripts. The study was conducted by IFPRI in collaboration with the Mozambique Ministry of Planning and Finance and the National Statistics Institute. The funding for the study was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Disclaimer: IFPRI encourages the use of the Mozambique 1997 Poverty Mapping data. The authorized use of these data is limited to government, academic, and research institutions (or individuals associated with these institutions) to be used for informing and improving government policy or for educational purposes. The data are not authorized to be used for commercial purposes. The data are provided 'as is' and in no event shall IFPRI be liable for any damages resulting from use of the data. While great effort was taken to obtain high quality data, the accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way.

Data set credit:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Mozambique Ministry of Planning and Finance and the National Statistics Institute

*Native dataset format: Shapefile
*Native data set environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog

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Spatial Data Organization Information:

*Direct spatial reference method: Vector

Point and vector object information:
SDTS terms description:
*Name: MozambiqueSAE
*SDTS point and vector object type: G-polygon
*Point and vector object count: 129

ESRI terms description:
*Name: MozambiqueSAE
*ESRI feature type: Simple
*ESRI feature geometry: Polygon
*ESRI topology: FALSE
*ESRI feature count: 129
*Spatial index: FALSE
*Linear referencing: FALSE

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Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
*Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1

*Latitude resolution: 0.000000
*Longitude resolution: 0.000000
*Geographic coordinate units: Decimal degrees

Geodetic model:
*Horizontal datum name: North American Datum of 1927
*Ellipsoid name: Clarke 1866
*Semi-major axis: 6378206.400000
*Denominator of flattening ratio: 294.978698

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Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed description:
*Name: MozambiqueSAE

Entity type:
*Entity type label: MozambiqueSAE
*Entity type type: Feature Class
*Entity type count: 129

*Attribute label: FID
*Attribute alias: FID
*Attribute definition:
Internal feature number.
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: OID
*Attribute width: 4
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

*Attribute label: Shape
*Attribute alias: Shape
*Attribute definition:
Feature geometry.
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Geometry
*Attribute width: 0
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ISO
*Attribute alias: ISO
Attribute definition:
Country name abbreviation
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 254

*Attribute label: COUNTRY
*Attribute alias: COUNTRY
Attribute definition:
Country Name
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 254

*Attribute label: ADM1NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM1NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of first-level division (Provinces)
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 254

*Attribute label: ADM2NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM2NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of secondt-level division (districts)
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 254

*Attribute label: ADM2CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM2CODE
Attribute definition:
Second-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 10

*Attribute label: ADM1CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM1CODE
Attribute definition:
First-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 9

*Attribute label: MEANY
*Attribute alias: MEANY
Attribute definition:
Mean welfare indicator (also sometimes referred to as average expenditure or consumption)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 14
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

*Attribute label: FGT_0
*Attribute alias: FGT_0
Attribute definition:
Total Headcount Index (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: FGT_1
*Attribute alias: FGT_1
Attribute definition:
Total Poverty Gap Index (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: FGT_2
*Attribute alias: FGT_2
Attribute definition:
Squared poverty gap index (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: GINI
*Attribute alias: GINI
Attribute definition:
Total Gini coeffcient based on per capita income (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: POORPER
*Attribute alias: POORPER
Attribute definition:
Total Number of poor popualtion (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: GE_NEG1
*Attribute alias: GE_NEG1
Attribute definition:
Total Generalized Entropy Index with parameter value = -1 (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: GE_0
*Attribute alias: GE_0
Attribute definition:
Total Generalized Entropy Index with parameter value = 0 (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: GE_1
*Attribute alias: GE_1
Attribute definition:
Total Generalized Entropy Index with parameter value = 1 (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: GE_1_5
*Attribute alias: GE_1_5
Attribute definition:
Total Generalized Entropy Index with parameter value = 1.5 (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: ATK_2
*Attribute alias: ATK_2
Attribute definition:
Atkinson Index with parameter value = 2
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 6

*Attribute label: NUMHH
*Attribute alias: NUMHH
Attribute definition:
Total Number of households (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 9

*Attribute label: NUMPER
*Attribute alias: NUMPER
Attribute definition:
Total Number of persons (i.e. not broken down by urban/rural divisions)
Attribute definition source:
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 9

Overview description:
Dataset overview:
The study was conducted by IFPRI in collaboration with the Mozambique Ministry of Planning and Finance and the National Statistics Institute. The funding for the study was provided by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Entity and attribute detail citation:
Simler, K and V Nhate. (2005). Poverty, Inequality, and Geographic Targeting: Evidence from Small-Area Estimates in Mozambique. Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper No. 192. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, pp. 43.

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Distribution Information:

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Standard order process:
Digital form:
Digital transfer information:
*Transfer size: 0.329
*Dataset size: 0.329

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Metadata Reference Information:

*Metadata date: 20100122

*Language of metadata: en

Metadata contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact person: REQUIRED: The person responsible for the metadata information.
Contact organization: REQUIRED: The organization responsible for the metadata information.

Contact address:
Address type: REQUIRED: The mailing and/or physical address for the organization or individual.
City: REQUIRED: The city of the address.
State or province: REQUIRED: The state or province of the address.
Postal code: REQUIRED: The ZIP or other postal code of the address.

Contact voice telephone: REQUIRED: The telephone number by which individuals can speak to the organization or individual.

*Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
*Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
*Metadata time convention: local time

Metadata extensions:
*Online linkage:
*Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

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Geoprocessing History:

*Process name: Create Feature Class
*Date: 20060615
*Time: 115123
*Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CreateFeatureclass
*Command issued: CreateFeatureclass \\Gisweb\ftp-Ghyman\CIESIN\CIESIN_PROJECT_LAST_VERSION\MOZAMBIQUE MozambiqueSAE # MozambiqueSAE(1)_Layer SAME_AS_TEMPLATE SAME_AS_TEMPLATE "GEOGCS['GCS_Assumed_Geographic_1',DATUM['D_North_American_1927',SPHEROID['Clarke_1866',6378206.4,294.9786982]],PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]];-98.686833 -152.888010 7999999.992549;0.000000 100000.000000;0.000000 100000.000000" # 0 0 0 \\Gisweb\ftp-Ghyman\CIESIN\CIESIN_PROJECT_LAST_VERSION\MOZAMBIQUE\MozambiqueSAE.shp

*Process name: Append
*Date: 20060615
*Time: 115124
*Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Append
*Command issued: Append MozambiqueSAE(1)_Layer \\Gisweb\ftp-Ghyman\CIESIN\CIESIN_PROJECT_LAST_VERSION\MOZAMBIQUE\MozambiqueSAE.shp TEST \\Gisweb\ftp-Ghyman\CIESIN\CIESIN_PROJECT_LAST_VERSION\MOZAMBIQUE\MozambiqueSAE.shp

*Process name: FeatureClassToFeatureClass_1
*Date: 20060615
*Time: 115125
*Tool location: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass

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Binary Enclosures:

Enclosure type: Picture

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