
Data format: Shapefile

File or table name: MexicoCaseStudy

Coordinate system: Geographic

Theme keywords: Poverty, Food poverty line

Abstract: Using small area estimation methods and spatial analysis, we generated high-resolution poverty maps and combined them with geo-referenced biophysical data relevant to maize-based agriculture in Mexico

FGDC and ESRI Metadata:

Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.

Identification Information:

Citation information:
Originators: CIMMYT

*File or table name: MexicoCaseStudy

Publication date: 20051201
*Geospatial data presentation form: vector digital data

Other citation details:
Geospatial Dimensions of Poverty and Food Security - A Case Study of Mexico. 2004. M.R. Bellon, D.P. Hodson, E. Martinez-Romero, Y. Montoya, J. Becceril, and J.W. White. CIMMYT project report.

Online linkage:

Using small area estimation methods and spatial analysis, we generated high-resolution poverty maps and combined them with geo-referenced biophysical data relevant to maize-based agriculture in Mexico

To highlight the predicted extreme poor municipalities in Mexico

*Language of dataset: en

Time period of content:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 20040601

Currentness reference:
ground condition

Progress: Complete
Maintenance and update frequency: None planned

Spatial domain:
Bounding coordinates:
*West bounding coordinate: -117.124964
*East bounding coordinate: -86.710116
*North bounding coordinate: 32.718673
*South bounding coordinate: 14.531865

Local bounding coordinates:
*Left bounding coordinate: -117.124964
*Right bounding coordinate: -86.710116
*Top bounding coordinate: 32.718673
*Bottom bounding coordinate: 14.531865

Theme keywords: Poverty, Food poverty line
Theme keyword thesaurus: unknown

Place keywords: Mexico
Place keyword thesaurus: Country

Access constraints: Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIMMYT. Users should acknowledge CIMMYT as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this data set. CIMMYT also request reprints of any publications and notification of any redistributing efforts. NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY. CIMMYT provides these data without any warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. CIMMYT shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any data downloaded.
Use constraints:
Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIMMYT. Users should acknowledge CIMMYT as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this data set. CIMMYT also request reprints of any publications and notification of any redistributing efforts. NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY.  CIMMYT provides these data without any warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. CIMMYT shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any data downloaded.

Point of contact:
Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Dave Hodson
Contact organization: CIMMYT
Contact position: Head of GIS unit

Contact address:
Address type: mailing address
CIMMYT, Apdo Postal 6-641
City: Mexico
State or province: D.F.
Postal code: C.P. 06600
Country: Mexico

Contact voice telephone: 52 55 5804 2004
Contact facsimile telephone: 52 55 5804 7558

Contact electronic mail address:

Browse graphic:
Browse graphic file name:
Browse graphic file description:
Food Poverty line (2000). Mexican municipalities.
Browse graphic file type: GIF

Data set credit:
Minot, Nicholas and Bob Baulch. 2005. Spatial patterns of poverty in Vietnam and their implications for policy. Food Policy. 30(5-6):461-475.

*Native dataset format: Shapefile
*Native data set environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog

Cross reference:
Citation information:
Originators: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre

Food Poverty in Mexico

Publication date: 20051201
Publication time: Unknown

Other citation details:
Bellon, Mauricio R., David Hodson, David Bergvinson, David Beck, Eduardo Martinez-Romero and Yinha Montoya. 2005. Targeting agricultural research to benefit poor farmers: Relating poverty mapping to maize environments in Mexico. Food Policy. 30(5-6) :476-492.

Larger work citation:
Citation information:
Originators: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre

Food Poverty in Mexico

Publication date: 20051201
Publication time: Unknown

Other citation details:
Bellon, Mauricio R., David Hodson, David Bergvinson, David Beck, Eduardo Martinez-Romero and Yinha Montoya. 2005. Targeting agricultural research to benefit poor farmers: Relating poverty mapping to maize environments in Mexico. Food Policy. 30(5-6) :476-492.

Online linkage:

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Data Quality Information:

Logical consistency report:

Completeness report:

Process step:
Process description:
Dataset copied.

Process date: 20060127

Source used citation abbreviation:

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Spatial Data Organization Information:

*Direct spatial reference method: Vector

Point and vector object information:
SDTS terms description:
*Name: MexicoCaseStudy
*SDTS point and vector object type: G-polygon
*Point and vector object count: 2480

ESRI terms description:
*Name: MexicoCaseStudy
*ESRI feature type: Simple
*ESRI feature geometry: Polygon
*ESRI topology: FALSE
*ESRI feature count: 2480
*Spatial index: TRUE
*Linear referencing: FALSE

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Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
*Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_WGS_1984

Latitude resolution: 0.000001
Longitude resolution: 0.000001
*Geographic coordinate units: Decimal degrees

Geodetic model:
*Horizontal datum name: D_WGS_1984
*Ellipsoid name: WGS_1984
*Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
*Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257224

Vertical coordinate system definition:
Altitude system definition:
Altitude datum name: National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
*Altitude resolution: 1.000000
Altitude distance units: meters
*Altitude encoding method: Explicit elevation coordinate included with horizontal coordinates

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Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed description:
*Name: MexicoCaseStudy

Entity type:
*Entity type label: MexicoCaseStudy
*Entity type type: Feature Class
*Entity type count: 2480
Entity type definition:
Mexican municipalities below food poverty line, year 2000
Entity type definition source:
M. Bellon; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center - CIMMYT

*Attribute label: FID
*Attribute alias: FID
*Attribute definition:
Internal feature number.
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: OID
*Attribute width: 4
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

*Attribute label: Shape
*Attribute alias: Shape
Attribute definition:
Feature geometry
*Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Geometry
*Attribute width: 0
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
*Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: PERIMETER
*Attribute alias: PERIMETER
Attribute definition:
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MUNIG_
*Attribute alias: MUNIG_
Attribute definition:
Complete INEGI code (state & municipality)
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MUNIG_ID
*Attribute alias: MUNIG_ID
Attribute definition:
INEGI state code
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ACCESO
*Attribute alias: ACCESO
Attribute definition:
Average travel time in minutes to the nearest urban centers (>2,500 persons) for a municipality. A large number indicates inaccessibility and vice versa.
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ADM1CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM1CODE
Attribute definition:
First-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 25

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential numbers for First-level Administration Unit

*Attribute label: ADM2CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM2CODE
Attribute definition:
Second-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 25

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential numbers for Second-level Administration Unit

*Attribute label: ADM1NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM1NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of first-level division (states)
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 30

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
States Name

*Attribute label: ADM2NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM2NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of secondt-level division (municipalities)
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 25

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Municipalities Name

*Attribute label: DIRTFL_PC
*Attribute alias: DIRTFL_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwelling with only earth floor
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ROOM1_PC
*Attribute alias: ROOM1_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwellings with only one room
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: WATER_PC
*Attribute alias: WATER_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwelling with potable water
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: PLUMB_PC
*Attribute alias: PLUMB_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwelling with sewage
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ELECT_PC
*Attribute alias: ELECT_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwelling with electricity
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: PHONE_PC
*Attribute alias: PHONE_PC
Attribute definition:
Percentage of dwelling with telepnone
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANILIT15
*Attribute alias: MEANILIT15
Attribute definition:
Number of household members older than 15 that do not know how to read and write
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANSELE15
*Attribute alias: MEANSELE15
Attribute definition:
Number of household members older than 15 that have some have some years of elementary education
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANCELE15
*Attribute alias: MEANCELE15
Attribute definition:
Number of household members older than 15 that completed elementary education
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANSSEC15
*Attribute alias: MEANSSEC15
Attribute definition:
Number of household members older than 15 that have some years of secondary education, but not completed
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANCSEC15
*Attribute alias: MEANCSEC15
Attribute definition:
Number of household members older than 15 that completed secondary education
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: RURPER
*Attribute alias: RURPER
Attribute definition:
Percent of rural population
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: FGT_0RUR00
*Attribute alias: FGT_0RUR00
Attribute definition:
Predicted fraction of rural households below the food poverty line in 2000
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: FGT_0RUR02
*Attribute alias: FGT_0RUR02
Attribute definition:
Predicted fraction of rural households below the food poverty line in 2002
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 15
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANY2000
*Attribute alias: MEANY2000
Attribute definition:
Predicted total monthly per capita expenditure for the average rural household in 2000
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 15
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: MEANY2002
*Attribute alias: MEANY2002
Attribute definition:
Predicted total monthly per capita expenditure for the average rural household in 2002
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 15
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: POPDENS
*Attribute alias: POPDENS
Attribute definition:
Population Density (number of persons per land area)
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: FOODEXP
*Attribute alias: FOODEXP
Attribute definition:
Predicted monthly per capita food expenditure for the average rural household in 2000
Attribute definition source:
CIMMYT - International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 5

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

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Distribution Information:

Contact information:
Contact person primary:
Contact person: Dave Hodson
Contact organization: CIMMYT
Contact position: Head of GIS unit

Contact address:
Address type: mailing address
CIMMYT, Apdo Postal 6-641
City: Mexico
State or province: D.F.
Postal code: C.P. 06600
Country: Mexico

Contact voice telephone: 52 55 5804 2004
Contact facsimile telephone: 52 55 5804 7558

Contact electronic mail address:

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIMMYT. Users should acknowledge CIMMYT as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this data set. CIMMYT also request reprints of any publications and notification of any redistributing efforts. NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY.  CIMMYT provides these data without any warranty of any kind whatsoever, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. CIMMYT shall not be liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of the use of any data downloaded.

Standard order process:
Digital form:
Digital transfer information:
Format name: ARCE
Format version number: 9.0
Format specification:
*Transfer size: 14.708
*Dataset size: 14.708

Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer contact information:
Network address:
Network resource name:

Fees: None

Available time period:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: unknown
Time of day: unknown

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Metadata Reference Information:

*Metadata date: 20100122

*Language of metadata: en

Metadata contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact person: Dave Hodson
Contact organization: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre

Contact address:
Address type: mailing address
Apartado Postal 6-641
City: Mexico
State or province: D.F.
Postal code: 06600
Country: Mexico

Contact voice telephone: (+52) 55-5804-2004
Contact facsimile telephone: (+52) 55-5804-7558

Contact electronic mail address:

Contact instructions:
Apartado Postal 6-641, 06600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico.

*Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
*Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
*Metadata time convention: local time

Metadata extensions:
*Online linkage:
*Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

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Binary Enclosures:

Enclosure type: Picture

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