
Data format: Shapefile

File or table name: EcuadorCaseStudy

Coordinate system: Transverse Mercator

Theme keywords: Division Politica, Administrative Boundaries, Parroquias, Consumo, headcount, pobreza

Abstract: Consumo, a nivel de Parroquias 1998 a 2001 La division politico-administrativa del pais cambia frecuentemente con la creacion de cantones y parroquias. El censo de noviembre de 1990 dividia al pais en 172 cantones y 4 zonas no delimitadas. Posteriormente se han creado 42 cantones y mas de 54 parroquias. La informacion censal segun la division politico administrativa de Diciembre de 1998, integra 214 cantones y 4 zonas no delimitadas. El analisis de los cambios ocurridos se han obtenido de distintas fuentes, como el INEC y los Registros Oficiales. (Información según documento: "Desarrollo Social y Gestion Municipal en el Ecuador" Larrea C, Carrasco F., Cervantes J., Viedma Noemi) Andrew Farrow, Carlos Larrea, Glenn Hyman and German Lema. 2005. Exploring the spatial variation of food poverty in Ecuador. Food Policy. 30(5-6) :510-531.

FGDC and ESRI Metadata:

Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.

Identification Information:

Citation information:
Originators: INEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadistisca y Censo de Ecuador). Censo de Poblacion y Vivienda 1990 - INEC-Banco Mundial. Encuesta de condiciones de vida 1995

*File or table name: EcuadorCaseStudy

Publication date: 19981201
*Geospatial data presentation form: vector digital data

Online linkage:

Consumo, a nivel de Parroquias 1998 a 2001

La division politico-administrativa del pais cambia frecuentemente con la creacion de cantones y parroquias. El censo de noviembre de 1990 dividia al pais en 172 cantones y 4 zonas no delimitadas. Posteriormente se han creado 42 cantones y mas de 54 parroquias. La informacion censal segun la division politico administrativa de Diciembre de 1998, integra 214 cantones y 4 zonas no delimitadas. El analisis de los cambios ocurridos se han obtenido de distintas fuentes, como el INEC y los Registros Oficiales.

(Información según documento: "Desarrollo Social y Gestion Municipal en el Ecuador" Larrea C, Carrasco F., Cervantes J., Viedma Noemi)

Andrew Farrow, Carlos Larrea, Glenn Hyman and German Lema. 2005.  Exploring the spatial variation of food poverty in Ecuador.  Food Policy. 30(5-6) :510-531.

Utilizarlo en el proyecto Mapeo Dinámico de Seguridad Alimentaria de Ecuador

Supplemental information:
Esta cobertura posee informacion estadística a nivel de parroquia sobre datos de Pobreza como: Brecha de Pobreza de alimentos para un ingreso de 132150 Sucres por quincena, Severidad de pobreza, y datos estimados de consumo.

*Language of dataset: en

Time period of content:
Time period information:
Single date/time:
Calendar date: 19981201

Currentness reference:
ground condition

Progress: In work
Maintenance and update frequency: As needed

Spatial domain:
Bounding coordinates:
*West bounding coordinate: -81.079496
*East bounding coordinate: -75.171887
*North bounding coordinate: 1.457736
*South bounding coordinate: -5.015711

Local bounding coordinates:
*Left bounding coordinate: 491187.687500
*Right bounding coordinate: 1147189.250000
*Top bounding coordinate: 10161124.000000
*Bottom bounding coordinate: 9445599.000000

Theme keywords: Division Politica, Administrative Boundaries, Parroquias, Consumo, headcount, pobreza
Theme keyword thesaurus: Ninguna

Place keywords: Ecuador
Place keyword thesaurus: Ninguna

Access constraints: La información se encuentra disponible en la pagina Aunque su acceso no está restringido, el uso de la información debe ser autorizado directamente por las instituciones autoras: INFOPLAN, ODEPAN O INEC.
Use constraints:
Para la utilización de los cantones de Ecuador se debe contactar directamente a estas organizaciones: INFOPLAN, ODEPLAN O INEC (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos), en Ecuador.

Point of contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact person: Carlos Larrea - Noemi Viedma - Javier Cervantes - Fernando Carrasco
Contact organization: INFOPLAN

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
Benalcazar 679 y Espejo 3 er. Piso
City: Quito
State or province: Pichincha
Postal code: 0
Country: Ecuador

Contact voice telephone: (593) 290 399
Contact voice telephone: (593) 258 0737
Contact facsimile telephone: (593) 258 0737

Contact electronic mail address:

Browse graphic:
Browse graphic file name:
Browse graphic file description:
Headcount ratio 1998 - 2001
Browse graphic file type: JPEG

*Native dataset format: Shapefile
*Native data set environment:
Microsoft Windows XP Version 5.1 (Build 2600) Service Pack 3; ESRI ArcCatalog

Cross reference:
Citation information:
Originators: INFOPLAN

Atlas para el Desarrollo Local

Publication date: 20051201
Edition: 1.1
Geospatial data presentation form: atlas

Online linkage:

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Data Quality Information:

Logical consistency report:

Completeness report:

Process step:
Process description:
Dataset copied.

Process date: 20060127

Source used citation abbreviation:

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Spatial Data Organization Information:

*Direct spatial reference method: Vector

Point and vector object information:
SDTS terms description:
*Name: EcuadorCaseStudy
*SDTS point and vector object type: G-polygon
*Point and vector object count: 1009

ESRI terms description:
*Name: EcuadorCaseStudy
*ESRI feature type: Simple
*ESRI feature geometry: Polygon
*ESRI topology: FALSE
*ESRI feature count: 1009
*Spatial index: FALSE
*Linear referencing: FALSE

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Spatial Reference Information:

Horizontal coordinate system definition:
Coordinate system name:
*Projected coordinate system name: PSAD_1956_UTM_Zone_17S
*Geographic coordinate system name: GCS_WGS_1984

Map projection:
*Map projection name: Transverse Mercator
Transverse mercator:
*Scale factor at central meridian: 0.999600
*Longitude of central meridian: -81.000000
*Latitude of projection origin: 0.000000
*False easting: 500000.000000
*False northing: 10000000.000000

Planar coordinate information:
*Planar coordinate encoding method: coordinate pair
Coordinate representation:
*Abscissa resolution: 0.001024
*Ordinate resolution: 0.001024
*Planar distance units: meters

Geodetic model:
*Horizontal datum name: D_WGS_1984
*Ellipsoid name: WGS_1984
*Semi-major axis: 6378137.000000
*Denominator of flattening ratio: 298.257224

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Entity and Attribute Information:

Detailed description:
*Name: EcuadorCaseStudy

Entity type:
*Entity type label: EcuadorCaseStudy
*Entity type type: Feature Class
*Entity type count: 1009
Entity type definition:
Ecuador Poverty Headcount 1998-2001
Entity type definition source:
A. Farrow; Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical - CIAT

Attribute label: FID
*Attribute alias: FID
Attribute definition:
Internal feature number.
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: OID
*Attribute width: 4
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Attribute value accuracy information:
Attribute value accuracy: 0.1
Attribute value accuracy explanation:

Attribute measurement frequency:

*Attribute label: FGT_1
*Attribute alias: FGT_1
Attribute definition:
Poverty Gap Index - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: FGT_2
*Attribute alias: FGT_2
Attribute definition:
The Squared Poverty Gap Index - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_0
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_0
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in Percent of people below poverty line - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_1
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_1
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in Poverty Gap Index - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_2
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_2
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in The Squared Poverty Gap Index - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEMEANY
*Attribute alias: SEMEANY
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in the estimation of the consumption average in  173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: ADM1CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM1CODE
Attribute definition:
First-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 16

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential numbers for First-level Administration Unit

*Attribute label: ADM1NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM1NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of first-level division (provincia)
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 100

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Provinces Name

*Attribute label: ADM2CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM2CODE
Attribute definition:
Second-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 16

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential numbers for Sencond-level Administration Unit

*Attribute label: ADM2NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM2NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of secondt-level division (canton)
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 100

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Cantons Name

*Attribute label: ADM3CODE
*Attribute alias: ADM3CODE
Attribute definition:
Third-level code
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 16

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Sequential numbers for Third-level Administration Unit

Attribute label: Shape
*Attribute alias: Shape
Attribute definition:
Feature geometry.
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Geometry
*Attribute width: 0
*Attribute precision: 0
*Attribute scale: 0

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Coordinates defining the features.

*Attribute label: ADM3NAME
*Attribute alias: ADM3NAME
Attribute definition:
Name of third-level division (parroquia)
Attribute definition source:
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical

*Attribute type: String
*Attribute width: 100

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Parroquias Name

*Attribute label: FGT_0
*Attribute alias: FGT_0
Attribute definition:
Percent of people below poverty line - Consumption of 173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_0lo
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_0lo
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in Percent of people below poverty line - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 3

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: MEANY
*Attribute alias: MEANY
Attribute definition:
Average consumption or expenditure in  173050 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 19
*Attribute number of decimals: 4

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: FGT_0lo
*Attribute alias: FGT_0lo
Attribute definition:
Percent of people below poverty line - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_2lo
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_2lo
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in The Squared Poverty Gap Index - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 3

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: FGT_2lo
*Attribute alias: FGT_2lo
Attribute definition:
The Squared Poverty Gap Index - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: FGT_1lo
*Attribute alias: FGT_1lo
Attribute definition:
Poverty Gap Index - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 2

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

*Attribute label: SEFGT_1lo
*Attribute alias: SEFGT_1lo
Attribute definition:
Standard Error in Poverty Gap Index - Food consumption of 132150 Sucres per two weeks
Attribute definition source:

*Attribute type: Number
*Attribute width: 16
*Attribute number of decimals: 3

Attribute domain values:
Unrepresentable domain:
Enumerated Values

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Distribution Information:

Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact person: Andrew Farrow, Carlos Larrea, Glenn Hyman and German Lema.
Contact organization: CIAT

Contact address:
Address type: mailing address
Km 17 Recta Cali - Palmira
City: Cali
State or province: Valle del Cauca
Postal code: A.A. 6713 CIAT
Country: Colombia

Contact voice telephone: (57) (2) 4450000 Ext. 3731
Contact facsimile telephone: (57) (2) 4450073

Contact electronic mail address:

Resource description: Downloadable Data

Distribution liability:
Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIAT.

Standard order process:
Digital form:
Digital transfer information:
Format name: ARCE
Format version number: 9.0
Format specification:
Transfer size: 1.686
*Dataset size: 5.708

Digital transfer option:
Online option:
Computer contact information:
Network address:
Network resource name:

Fees: None

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Metadata Reference Information:

*Metadata date: 20100122

*Language of metadata: en

Metadata contact:
Contact information:
Contact organization primary:
Contact person: Andrew Farrow
Contact organization: CIAT (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical)

Contact address:
Address type: mailing and physical address
Recta Cali - Palmira Km.17
City: Cali
State or province: Valle del Cauca
Postal code: 6713
Country: Colombia

Contact voice telephone: (57-2) 445-0000
Contact facsimile telephone: (57-2) 445-0073

Contact electronic mail address:

*Metadata standard name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
*Metadata standard version: FGDC-STD-001-1998
*Metadata time convention: local time

Metadata extensions:
Online linkage:
Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Metadata extensions:
Online linkage:
Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

Metadata extensions:
*Online linkage:
*Profile name: ESRI Metadata Profile

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Binary Enclosures:

Enclosure type: Picture

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