EcuadorPoverty2001 | |
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Data format: Shapefile File or table name: EcuadorPoverty2001 Coordinate system: Geographic Theme keywords: Poverty Mapping, Ecuador NBI, Unsatisfied Basic Needs, Poverty Intensity, Poverty Density |
The social information about consume compiled in this shape was taken from the Census of Ecuador (2001 Census), this document is available in the official web page of SIISE (Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador). The information compiled in this shape is the result of geographical information taken from administrative units' maps that were digitized country by country, corrected and adjusted with the digital information of the D.C.W. (Digital Chart of the World). The data are represented in Latitude-Longitude geographical coordinates. The information is presented in two administrative levels that are: first level corresponds Province (Provincia) according to the denomination of this level in this country, and the second level corresponds to Canton (Cantón). The Map source was obtained for the digitization of this information (CIAT) but in some cases the information is not very recent and the administrative division has changed a lot. |
Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.
The social information about consume compiled in this shape was taken from the Census of Ecuador (2001 Census), this document is available in the official web page of SIISE (Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador). The information compiled in this shape is the result of geographical information taken from administrative units' maps that were digitized country by country, corrected and adjusted with the digital information of the D.C.W. (Digital Chart of the World). The data are represented in Latitude-Longitude geographical coordinates. The information is presented in two administrative levels that are: first level corresponds Province (Provincia) according to the denomination of this level in this country, and the second level corresponds to Canton (Cantón). The Map source was obtained for the digitization of this information (CIAT) but in some cases the information is not very recent and the administrative division has changed a lot.
Create a Shape at a second administrative level whit poverty information for Ecuador
BIBLIOGRAPHY Censo Nacional de Población y Vivienda Censo 2001, Estadísticas Epidemiológicas del 2002, MSP (Ministerio de Salud Publica) 1999, ODEPLAN-SIISE 1995, PRODEPINE-SIISE (Proyecto de Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afro-ecuatorianos 1995, PNUD-SIISE 2001. SIISE (Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador).
publication date
Users are prohibited from any commercial, non-free resale, or redistribution without explicit written permission from CIAT. Users should acknowledge CIAT as the source used in the creation of any reports, publications, new data sets, derived products, or services resulting from the use of this data set. CIAT also request reprints of any publications and notification of any redistributing efforts
Km 17 Recta Cali - Palmira
Metadata imported.
Country name abbreviation
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
The Squared Poverty Gap Index
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
First-level code
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Feature geometry.
Internal number
Internal feature number.
Second-level code
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
General ID Code
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Name of Country
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Name of first-level division (Province)
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Name of secondt-level division (Canton)
CIAT - Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Number of Persons
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
Percent of poor people (below poverty line) - "Incidence of Poverty Consumption" is an index that corresponds to the amount of poor people expressed as a percentage of the total of the population in a determined year. "Poor People" are the people that belong to houses, which consume per capita, in a determined period, are lower than the value of the poverty line.
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
Squared Poverty Gap Index calculated for the extreme poverty line
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
Percent of poor people (below extreme poverty line)
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
Estimated number of poor individuals calculated for an alternate, lower poverty line (projection for the year 2000)
SIISE - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores Sociales del Ecuador
CIAT GIS Dept A. A. 6713 Cali Colombia
To deliver the information, the previous authorization from the in charged person of Land Use Project is needed.
GIS Dep A.A. 6713 Cali Colombia