Points of observation of the Amaranthus gene pool (germplasm and herbarium collections) | |
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Data format: Shapefile File or table name: amara_gen Coordinate system: Geographic Theme keywords: Germplasm, Herbarium, Species Distribution, Passiflora, P.adenopoda, P.adulterina, P.albicans, P.alnifolia, P.ambigua, P.andreana, P.antioquiensis, P.apoda, P.arbelaezii, P.arborea, P.astrophea, P.auriculata, P.azeroan, P.bicornis, P.bicuspidata, P.biflora, P.bogotensis, P.bracteosa, P.bucaramanguensis, P.Candollei, P.capsularis, P.chelidonea, P.coccinea Aubl, P.colombiana, P.coriacea, P.costaricensis, P.crispolanata, P.cuatrecasii, P.cumbalensis, P.cuneata, P.cuspidifolia, P.danielii, P.dawei, P.dessudii, P.edulis f. edulis, P.edulis f. flavicarpa, P.emarginata, P.engleriana, P.eriocaula, P.erythrophylla, P.escobariana, P.filipes, P.fimbriatistipula, P.flexipes, P.foernina, P.foetida, P.gleasonii, P.gracillima, P.grandis, P.gritensis, P.guatemalensis, P.guazumaefolia, P.Hannii, P.hirtiflora, P.holosericae, P.holtii, P.hyacinthiflora, P.involucrata, P.jardinensis, P.kalbreyeri, P.lactida, P.lanata, P.laticaulis, P.laurifolia, P.lehmannii, P.leptomischa, P.ligularis, P.lindeniana, P.linearistipula, P.lobata, P.longipes, P.lunata, P.lyra, P.macrophylla, P.magdalenae, P.magnifica, P.maliformis, P.manicata, P.menispermacea, P.menispermifolia, P.micropetala, P.miraflorensis, P.misera, P.mixta, P.mollis, P.monadelpha, P.morifolia, P.multiformis, P.munchiquensis, P.nitida, P.occidentalis, P.oerstedii, P.orbiculata, P.pacifica, P.pala, P.palenquensis, P.palmeri, P.pamplonensis, P.panamensis, P.parritae, P.pennellii, P.pergrandis, P.pilosissima, P.pinnatistipula, P.pittieri, P.platyloba, P.popayanensis, P.popenovii, P.praecuta, P.pulchella, P.punctata, P.putumayensis, P.quadrangularis, P.quindiensis, P.resticulata, P.riparia, P.rubra, P.rugosa, P.schlimiana, P.securiclata, P.seemannii, P.semiciliosa, P.serrato-digitata, P.serrulata, P.sexflora, P.sierrae, P.skiantha, P.smithii, P.sp, P.sp2, P.sphaerocarpa, P.spicata, P.spinosa, P.suberosa, P.subpeltata, P.tarminiana, P.tenerifensis, P.tica, P.tiliifolia, P.tolimana, P.trianae, P.tribolophylla, P.trinervia (Juss.), P.tripartita var. mollissima, P.tripatita var. tripartita, P.tripratita var. azuaijensis, P.trisulca, P.tryphostemmatoides, P.tuberosa, P.ursina, P.variolata, P.vespertilio, P.vitifolia, P.x rosea |
Database of known observations of species in the Passiflora gene pool in Colombia, collated from revision of herbarium and germplasm databases. This includes a total of 154 described Passiflora species found in Colombia. The number of observations for each species ranges between 14 and 296. Full passport data is provided whenever possible, along with accurate geographic coordinates, generated in some cases through online gazetteers and ancillary map sources. |
Metadata elements shown with blue text are defined in the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM). Elements shown with green text are defined in the ESRI Profile of the CSDGM. Elements shown with a green asterisk (*) will be automatically updated by ArcCatalog. ArcCatalog adds hints indicating which FGDC elements are mandatory; these are shown with gray text.
Database of known observations of species in the Passiflora gene pool in Colombia, collated from revision of herbarium and germplasm databases. This includes a total of 154 described Passiflora species found in Colombia. The number of observations for each species ranges between 14 and 296. Full passport data is provided whenever possible, along with accurate geographic coordinates, generated in some cases through online gazetteers and ancillary map sources.
Provides point of reference for collection sites of the species, and permits entry-point for more advanced biogeographic analyses.
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The first phase of data analysis involved the updating and checking of database coordinates, names of sites and country abbreviations for collection points (Germplasm, Herbarium, Meise, SINGER (System-wide Information Network for Genetic Resources)) of Passiflora in Colombia. This includes the use of practical tools such as; departmental physical maps of the whole of Colombia at (1:400.000 and 1:250.000; IGAC 1987-1992 scales), and the utilization of geographic dictionaries (gazetteers) available on the internet
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